The amateur sports association Podistica Valdipesa, affiliated with UISP, is organizing, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of San Casciano in Val di Pesa, the Municipality of Greve in Chianti, and the Municipality of Barberino Tavarnelle, the 7th EDITION of the CHIANTI CLASSICO MARATHON.

The event will feature the following competitive running distances:
Ultratrail53 Km
Trail 21.8 Km
Nordic Walking / Free Pace – 10 Km – Non-competitive – recreational

The event will take place on May 11th, 2025.

Registration for the event implies full acceptance of these regulations.



Athletes meeting the following requirements may participate in the event:
1. Italian and foreign citizens who are at least 20 years old (year of birth: 2005).
2. Italian athletes registered with UISP, FIDAL, or EPS associations recognized by CONI.
3. Italian athletes not registered with any association, known as “independent athletes.”
4. Foreign athletes residing in Italy.

Competitive participation for all the above categories is subject to the possession of a valid medical certificate for competitive athletics (certificates for other sports or terms like running, triathlon, etc., will not be accepted). The certificate must be valid on the race date, issued by authorized facilities, and will be checked and kept on file by the organizing association for the duration of the event.
Italian citizens (even if not residing in Italy) must provide a medical certificate issued in Italy.


FOR FOREIGN ATHLETES not residing in Italy

1. Foreign athletes registered with foreign federations affiliated with World Athletics, presenting a valid club membership card at the time of the race and providing a self-declaration form of registration.
2. Non-registered foreign athletes wishing to participate competitively must provide valid certification according to the current law (D.M. 18/02/82) performed in Italy or alternatively in their home country, using the “health form” provided by the organization, signed and stamped by their physician.

The medical certificate for non-resident foreign athletes may be issued in their home country, but it must include ALL the exams required by Italian regulations:
Medical examination;
Complete urine analysis;
Electrocardiogram at rest and after exercise;

Certificates issued in the home country must be presented in a timely manner for validation at least 10 days before the event, translated into English or Italian.

PARTICIPATION RULES for the 10 Km NON-COMPETITIVE recreational – Nordic Walking
Participation in the 10 Km recreational distance, to be completed at a free pace, does not require any membership or medical certificate.
Children may also participate, and those under 12 can join for free. The course is hilly and includes dirt roads, fields, and trails, so the use of strollers is not recommended.
Participants can bring their animals, provided they are kept on a leash.



Registration must be completed online, following the instructions on the website
A limited number of bibs will be available for participation in the event:
Ultra Trail: 200
Trail: 450
Nordic Walking – Free Pace: 500

They will be available for purchase according to the following time periods:

| Until | December 31, 2024 |
| January 1, 2025 – March 31, 2025 |
| April 1, 2025 – May 8, 2025 |

Ultra Trail 53 km:
€40.00 Until | December 31, 2024
€50.00 January 1, 2025 – March 31, 2025
€60.00 April 1, 2025 – May 8, 2025

Trail 21,8 km:
€25.00 Until | December 31, 2024
€30.00 January 1, 2025 – March 31, 2025
€35.00 April 1, 2025 – May 8, 2025

Free Pace 10 km

Registration for the 10 km free pace will also be available on May 10 and 11 at the event stands.



– Race bib with attached disposable timing chip
– Medical assistance
– Refreshment points along the route
– Gym with changing rooms, showers, and restrooms
– Race pack with event technical apparel, sponsor gifts, and informational materials
– Bag deposit
– Timing service and rankings
– Participation medal (only for classified athletes)
– Refreshments/Lunch at the end of the event


It is possible to register at discounted rates at the stands set up during FRIENDLY RACES. The complete list and details are available on the website:



For Sports Clubs, it is possible to send a list of participating athletes with Name, Surname, Date of Birth, membership number, and chosen distance on official letterhead signed by the president, guaranteeing the required medical certification to the email:

For large groups registered on a single list for the competitive TRAIL (21.8 km) and ULTRA TRAIL (53 km) distances by May 8, 2025, a discount on the participation fee is applied as follows:

10 to 20 ATHLETES -> 15% DISCOUNT



Registrations will close at 24:00 on May 8, 2025, or when the available bibs for the requested distance are sold out. Registrations received after this deadline will not be accepted. The organization reserves the right to close registrations early or to accept registrations beyond the closing date at its sole discretion.



If you are unable to participate in one of the events, it will be possible to postpone participation to the following edition up to 10 days before the event by paying a €5.00 administration fee.



After registration closes, a confirmation letter of registration status will be sent to the athlete, which is necessary for collection.
The bib and race pack can be collected at the Elementary School Gym in Via dei Cofferi, 1, Mercatale Val di Pesa (Fi), on Saturday, May 10, from 14:00 to 20:00, and on Sunday, May 11, from 6:00 until half an hour before the start of the chosen distance.

The race bib is strictly personal and includes the timing chip, which must not be tampered with or altered. The bib is non-transferable under penalty of disqualification. It must be worn and kept fully visible throughout the race. At each checkpoint and the finish line, the runner must ensure that they are properly recorded.

Race bibs and packs may also be collected by third parties by presenting a signed authorization form from the registrant and a valid identification document. The person collecting must be able to present the registration confirmation letter for each athlete to ensure all documents are in order.



All registered participants will receive a race pack containing:


– Event T-shirt
– Wine and food refreshments
– Official Chianti Classico Marathon technical apparel
– Bottle of Chianti Classico wine
– Medal for finishers
– Sponsor products
– Lunch

– Whip app for live tracking



– Event T-shirt
– Wine and food refreshments
– Official Chianti Classico Marathon technical apparel
– Bottle of Chianti Classico wine
– Medal for finishers
– Sponsor products
– Lunch



Event Shirt
Food and Wine Refreshment

Additionally, the official Chianti Classico Marathon technical apparel, a bottle of Chianti Classico wine, a medal for finishers, sponsor products, and free live tracking with the Whip app will be provided.



Inside the Sports Hall of Mercatale Val di Pesa, the facilities will include changing rooms with showers and a bag deposit area.
Although the bag deposit will be supervised by staff, the organization accepts no responsibility for items left inside the bags deposited.

Lunch for the athletes participating in the Trail and Ultratrail is included in the registration fee. Participants in the 10 Km Free Pace and/or any accompanying persons can purchase lunch tickets directly at the stands set up by the organization. For large groups, it is appreciated if a reservation is made by email at

Lunch will be served from 12:00 until the end of the event at:
– ARCI Casa del Popolo di Mercatale – Via Sonnino 64
– Circolo MCL di Mercatale – Via Gramsci 6

Free parking for cars will be available near the race area. For more information, please refer to the service map published on the website and social media in the days leading up to the event.



The timing of the “Ultratrail Chianti Classico Marathon” and “Trail Chianti Classico Marathon” races will be managed by Detecht Srl – Official Timer Evodata. Time measurement and ranking will be carried out using a system based on an electronic transponder (“chip”) that will be provided at the time of bib collection, attached to the back of the bib. It is forbidden to tamper with the “chip” or the support that secures it to the bib. Athletes who in any way detach and/or damage the “chip” will not be timed and will not appear in the rankings.

The chip is strictly personal and cannot be exchanged.



Individual – Awards are planned for the top finishers in the competitive distances:

1st MAN & 1st WOMAN – Overall
Top 5 in Category – Male and Female Overall (2005-1976)
Top 5 in Category – Male and Female Veterans (1975-1966)
Top 3 in Category – Male and Female Silver (1965 and Before)

1st MAN & 1st WOMAN – Overall
Top 5 in Category – Male and Female Overall (2005-1976)
Top 5 in Category – Male and Female Veterans (1975-1966)
Top 3 in Category – Male and Female Silver (1965 and Before)

There will be no awards for athletes participating in non-competitive distances.



The top 3 sports clubs with the highest number of registered participants across all distances (competitive and non-competitive) by May 8, 2025, with a minimum of at least 5 athletes, will be awarded. The organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to make special acknowledgments for large groups and/or those coming from far away.



The event features three courses:
– UltraTrail Chianti Classico Marathon (UCCM) 53 Km with 1600 meters of positive elevation. Worth 2 ITRA Points.
– Trail Chianti Classico Marathon (TCCM) 21.8 Km with 630 meters of positive elevation. Worth 1 ITRA Point.
– Free Pace Walk

These are foot races in a natural setting, with a single stage starting and finishing in Mercatale Val di Pesa (FI). The routes traverse the trails through woods and vineyards of the Chianti Classico, crossing the municipalities of San Casciano VP, Greve in Chianti, and Barberino-Tavarnelle.

Updated roadbooks and GPX tracks can be viewed and downloaded from the event’s website.



ULTRATRAIL: Competitors must be present at Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Mercatale Val di Pesa (FI) by 6:30 on Sunday, May 11, 2025. The race starts at 07:00.
TRAIL: Competitors must be present at Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Mercatale Val di Pesa (FI) by 08:00 on Sunday, May 11, 2025. The race starts at 08:30.
NORDIC WALKING/FREE PACE: Competitors must be present at Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Mercatale Val di Pesa (FI) by 08:30 on Sunday, May 11, 2025. The race starts at 09:00.



The kilometers are marked every 5 km. Competitors must strictly follow the marked race route, avoiding shortcuts or cutting sections of the course. Leaving the official route will result in disqualification and is undertaken at the competitor’s own risk.

The different course distances are marked with arrows in the following colors:
– ULTRATRAIL 53 km: Fluorescent Orange
– TRAIL 21.8 km: Fluorescent Yellow
– 10 km FREE PACE: Blue

Along the course, “floating” signage, consisting of strips of colored tape, will indicate the path to follow.

All intersections and crossings on Provincial and Municipal asphalt roads will be overseen by race staff to ensure participant safety.



Before and during the race, checks may be conducted to verify that all competitors have the mandatory equipment. If the required items are not present, the organization may impose penalties or disqualify the athlete. Refusal to undergo equipment checks during the race will result in immediate disqualification.

MANDATORY EQUIPMENT for competitive distances:
– Mobile phone (with the organization’s emergency numbers saved, number unmasked, and battery fully charged).



– Personal cup (minimum 15 cl) or water bottle
– Hat or bandana for sun protection
– Trail shoes

While the courses of the CHIANTI CLASSICO MARATHON (Ultra Trail, Trail, and Nordic Walking/Free Pace) are challenging, no mandatory equipment is required. However, suitable trail shoes are recommended.



The event provides complete food and drink assistance. Along the course, there will be “refreshment points” with liquids and food available for consumption on-site. Runners must always carry enough water and food to reach the next refreshment point. No plastic cups will be available at any refreshment points; participants must bring their own cup or other suitable container.

It is strictly forbidden to leave any waste along the course. Violating this rule will result in immediate disqualification. Specific bins are available in the refreshment areas for waste disposal.



The course will be monitored by organization staff and rescue personnel who will remain in constant contact with the start/finish area. Emergency vehicles will be stationed at various points along the course, as well as at the start and finish, where a resuscitator doctor and an Advanced Medical Post (PMA) will be present.

Runners in need of assistance can:
– Approach a volunteer stationed along the route who will alert the rescue teams.
– Ask another runner to call for help.

Runners must provide basic assistance to those in need without moving anyone with suspected fractures and must call for help.


Depending on race conditions and your location on the course, rescue might take longer than expected. Your safety also depends on the equipment you carry in your backpack.

Assistance points will be indicated during the briefing and at the start. The use of resources outside these points involves adjustments in safety measures. The request for assistance must be justified by a real danger.

If it is possible to reach the assistance point independently, proceed to that point.

A runner who calls for help or a doctor submits to their authority and must accept their decisions. Official medical staff are authorized to stop the race (by deactivating the race bib) for any runner deemed unfit to continue and to evacuate runners who are considered at risk by any means deemed suitable.

If necessary, first aid operations will be initiated by rescuers, including the use of appropriate measures.

The costs associated with these exceptional services will be charged to the rescued person. It is the runner’s responsibility to prepare and submit the necessary documents to their personal insurance for reimbursement.

In case of an inability to contact the race coordinator (the emergency number is on the bib), it is possible to call emergency services directly (especially in areas without phone coverage) by dialing 118 in Italy.

Checkpoints will be established along the course where staff will monitor the athletes’ progress. It is prohibited to be accompanied by a non-registered person for any part of the race.


IMPORTANT: In case of emergency, the phone number to call is printed on your bib.



Participants in all three distances must reach the finish line in Mercatale Val di Pesa no later than 4:00 PM in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Mercatale Val di Pesa.

For the Ultratrail, there is also an intermediate cut-off point at Montefioralle, around km 35, scheduled for 12:45 PM. Any athlete unable to meet the cut-off time at Montefioralle will be required to stop and end their race. The Organizing Committee will provide appropriate transportation to return the athlete to the race’s start/finish area. The Organizing Committee assumes no civil or criminal liability if the athlete chooses to continue the race despite missing the cut-off time mentioned above.

In case of adverse weather conditions and/or for safety reasons, the organization reserves the right to suspend the race, delay the start, alter the course, or modify the cut-off times. If the race is canceled, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to refund the registration fee after deducting administrative costs or carry over the registration to the 2026 edition.



All athletes unable to meet the cut-off times are REQUIRED TO STOP AND END THEIR RACE. They will then be transported directly to the finish line by service vehicles. The organization reserves the right to change the event date or cancel it due to any unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible to hold the event as scheduled.



Except in cases of serious injury, competitors must withdraw only at designated points, which will be communicated before the start and during the briefing. In any case, competitors must immediately return their bib to the organization. For those who wish, a vehicle will be available to transport the withdrawn competitor to their destination. If a competitor fails to notify the organization of their withdrawal, resulting in search efforts, any expenses incurred will be charged to the competitor.



Competitors must behave in an environmentally friendly manner, avoiding littering, picking flowers, or disturbing wildlife. Anyone caught littering along the course will be disqualified from the race and may face any penalties stipulated by municipal regulations.




In the case of significant weather events (fog, heavy storms, extreme heat, and adverse weather conditions), the organization reserves the right to make last-minute or in-race course changes to eliminate potential dangers or significant discomfort for participants. Any changes will be communicated to participants and indicated by staff during the briefing or before the start. The organization also reserves the right to suspend or cancel the race if weather conditions endanger participants, volunteers, or rescuers, or for any safety reasons without prior notice.



If the event cannot take place on May 11, 2025, the organization will allow a free transfer to the 2026 edition.



The organization provides liability insurance for the duration of the event. Participation is at the competitors’ own risk, and they waive all claims against the organizers for any damages or consequences arising from the race.

Competitors acknowledge that they should not register or participate unless medically fit and adequately prepared for the event. By registering, each participant accepts and assumes all risks associated with their participation, including any injuries related to travel to or from the event.

The organizers, sponsors, volunteer groups, and any other entities involved in organizing the event are completely exempt from any liability, even in the case of negligence. Participants also waive all claims against property owners, tenants, and third parties regarding the territories and roads used by the Ultratrail, Trail, and walk.



Immediate disqualification with the withdrawal of the race bib will occur for the following violations:
– Missing a checkpoint
– Cutting the course
– Littering on the course
– Failing to assist a competitor in difficulty
– Insulting or threatening organizers or volunteers
– Using transportation during the race
– Refusing to undergo health checks on the course



Participants must comply with traffic laws. By registering, the competitor declares that they have read and accept the CHIANTI CLASSICO MARATHON regulations. They further declare, under their own responsibility, not only that they have provided true information (art. 2 law 04/01/868 v°15 as amended by art. 3 comma 10 law 15/05/97 n° 127), but also that they release the organizers from any civil or criminal liability for damage caused by or to them.

In accordance with Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 (“Privacy Code”), personal data collected will be used only for participant lists, historical records, awarding competitors, providing services declared in the regulations, and sending information or promotional materials for the CHIANTI CLASSICO MARATHON or its partners.



By registering, competitors authorize the organization to use images, both static and moving, taken during their participation without time or territorial limits.


Before the event, promotional spaces will be set up at the following sporting events:
– 42nd Maratonina di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa
– 37th Corri alla Romola (Loc. La Romola – S. Casciano V.P.)

Athletes can register for CCM 2025 at the special price of:
– Ultratrail 53 km > €40.00
– Trail 21.8 km > €25.00

Additional promotional events will be announced on social media and the website.